

This page lists unique collections of papers, publications and/or photographs. Click links in ID column below for finding aids. Click a column heading to sort on that column.

MTR.2016.7Amsler, Rudolf photo albumPoor, Geraldine Heckendorn (a former neighbor)1929-36Lowell Skoog's house1 photo album plus 4 loose photos in an envelopePhotos mainly of winter and skiing by members of The Mountaineers in the Snoqualmie Pass area and Stampede Pass (Meany Ski Hut). Also includes Glacier Basin, Paradise, Van Trump Park, Chinook Pass, and Crystal Lake areas around Mt Rainier. A few summer photos in the Mt Terror group (North Cascades) circa 1933. At the end of the album is an envelope addressed to Amsler and delivered via "U.S. Ski Mail" from Snoqualmie Lodge to Martin (Meany Ski Hut) by "HVS and ATW" (probably Herbert V. Strandberg and Arthur T. Wilson).
MTR.2009.5Anderson, Lloyd and Mary collectionAnderson, Mary via Paul Robisch and Gary Rose1930s-1980Lowell Skoog's house1 three-ring binder and 1 box of small photographs (0.1 cu-ft).

Three-ring binder (8.5x11 inches) contains a photocopy of Lloyd Anderson's history of Recreational Equipment, Inc. and his Climbing Notebook. Both were copyrighted in 1980. The collection also includes originals of some photos in Lloyd's Climbing Notebook. Also several small B&W prints.

MTR.2015.15Baker, Mount, 1939 Avalanche photos and reportStauder, Helen of Sports Illustrated Magazine, and John Scurlock1939-40Lowell Skoog's house1 printed report plus additional photosUSFS report on the 1939 Mt Baker avalanche that killed six Western Washington College students. Additional photos related to the avalanche were donated by John Scurlock.
MTR.2023.2Degenhardt, William A. papersStella Degenhardt (Bill's widow)1930s-50sLowell Skoog's house1 box (8-1/2 by 11 inches by 2 inches)Fine biographical info plus considerable information about early Mountain Rescue Council. Bill Degenhardt was a pioneer NW climber and skier and Mountaineers president in 1952-54.
MTR.2018.1Dickert, Agnes papersLemp, Judi (daughter of Agnes Dickert)1930s (mostly)Lowell Skoog's house1 box (0.5 cu-ft)Papers associated with Mountaineers climbing courses, mostly after the Wolf Bauer era (after 1936). 1946 proposal for a “Climbers and Skiers guide to the State of Washington” to be written by Fred Beckey. And more.
MTR.2009.2Dickert, Othello Phillip  papers

Lemp, Judi (daughter)

1920s-1990sLowell Skoog's house1 box (0.52 cu-ft)Of particular interest are notes associated with 1935-38 Mountaineers climbing courses as well as handbooks (several in German) that contributed to the technical foundation of the course.
MTR.2009.1Dickert, Othello Phillip photographsLemp, Judi (daughter)1920s-1990sLowell Skoog's house4 boxes (1.8 cu-ft)Photos of early climbing and skiing in Cascades, first ascents of Mt Goode and Mt Challenger, Mountaineers Snoqualmie Lodge, Mountaineer Players and outings.
MTR.2019.1Dow, Dr. Pierre collectionChace, Tony 1922Lowell Skoog's house1 envelopeTwo photos from 1922 first winter ascent of Mt Rainier by French alpinists with Charles Perryman, newsreel cameraman.
MTR.2015.13Gilded Olympics photo albumUnknown1940s (circa)Lowell Skoog's house1 photo album

Depicts an outing in the Olympic Mountains (circa 1940s) which included participants from the Mountaineers, various Northwest towns, and Massachusetts (including Henry Hall). Herb Crisler of "Olympic Elk" fame was apparently on the trip as well. The creator of the album is identified only as "Me" in several photos. The album includes photos of the Cascades, particularly the Snoqualmie Pass region. (The album name was inspired by its fancy cover.)

MTR.2015.16Hershey, Mary photo albumKyle, Audrey (grand-daughter)1913Lowell Skoog's house1 photo albumDepicts the second Mountaineer outing (1913) across the Olympic Mountains, traveling from the Elwha River to Mt Seattle, Dodwell-Rixon Pass to Mt Olympus (East Peak), ascents of Mt Barnes, Meany, and Christie, then over the Low Divide to Lake Quinault, and finally by Indian dugout canoe down the Quinault River to the ocean at Taholah. Album concludes with a few photos taken around Mt Rainier.
MTR.2009.9Hessey, Charles D., Jr. papersHessey, Marion estate1960s-1980sDonated to Yakima Valley Museum on 11/5/20201 box (about 0.5 cu-ft).Movie scripts, conservation writings, correspondence on religion.
MTR.2009.8Hessey, Charles and Marion photographsHessey, Marion estate1940s-1980sDonated to Yakima Valley Museum on 11/5/20204 container boxes (about 6 cu-ft).35mm and 2x2-inch color slides. The 4 large "container" boxes contain 28 rotary slide trays, 5 slide storage boxes and over 20 slide processing boxes.
MTR.2015.17Marzolf, Art and Grace photographsBakken, Laura (great-niece)1920sLowell Skoog's house61 photosCollection of loose B&W photos. Subjects include Mountaineers old Snoqualmie Lodge (summer and winter, some snowshoers and skiers), Kitsap Cabin, Hidden Ranch, Longmire, 1921 Lyman Lake outing, Mountaineer Players ("Robin Hood" 1923), 1929 Lake O'Hara outing, Goldmeyer Hot Springs, and more. A message from Laura Bakken says that when "GKM" and "WAM" are noted, they indicate Grace and Art Marzolf, respectively.
MTR.2010.5Moore, Harvey E. photo albumJacobsen, Chris  (nephew)1909-1930sLowell Skoog's house1 photo albumAlbum includes photos of climbing on Mt Rainier in 1909-10 via Emmons Glacier (see finding aid). Album also includes family photos, Alaska ships and volcanoes, WWI-era soldiers on Mexican border, and various travels in Washington state (not scanned). In the PDF finding aid, Harvey E. Moore is shown in uniform on the right in the group photo taken at American Lake.
MTR.2008.1Mountaineer AnnualsMountaineers1907-1995Archives, N677 boxesArchival set of printed Mountaineer Annuals. Multiple copies of each year. (PDF copies of the annual are in our Digital Archives, catalog number MTR.2014.32.)
MTR.2014.32Mountaineer Annuals, Digitization MastersMountaineers1920-1993/94Archives, on top of C3NT5 boxesUnbound set of Mountaineer Annuals used for digitization in 2014-15. (Albums prior to 1920 were digitized by Google, so we didn't need to sacrifice paper annuals for those years.)
MTR.2014.2Mountaineer Annual Photo PlatesMountaineers1907-1960sArchives, N29 boxesSelected photo printing plates from Mountaineer Annuals.
MTR.2008.3Mountaineer BulletinsMountaineers1911-2010Archives, S213 boxesArchival set of Mountaineer Bulletins. Multiple copies of each year.
MTR.2011.2Mountaineers Film CollectionMountaineers1922-1970sUW Special Collections400+ filmsMovies from early Mountaineer outings, instructional films, and films produced by Charles and Marion Hessey, Charles Perryman, Bob and Ira Spring, and Dwight Watson. Donated to UW Special Collections in October 2011.
MTR.2014.1Mountaineers Lantern SlidesMountaineers1900s-1920sLowell Skoog's house4 boxes (some with smaller boxes inside)Photos of Mountaineer outings to Glacier Peak (1910), Mt Rainier (1909), Mt Stuart (1914), plus local outings and miscellany. Also photos of 1929 publicity trip to Glacier Peak area with F.W. Cleator of the USFS. Photographers include Asahel Curtis, J. Boyd Ellis, and Jacobs. Some slides in color.
TBDMountaineer Miscellaneous PublicationsMountaineersVariousArchivesTBDMiscellaneous publications found while organizing the archives storage room.
MTR.2015.11Mueller, Lynda photo albumWoods, David L. (son)1925-1926Lowell Skoog's house1 photo albumCollection of photographs, documents and memorabilia from 1925 Mountaineers summer outing in the Alpine Lakes region and 1926 outing in the Olympic Mountains.
Pelto, Mauri Glacier Photo Collection (2011)Pelto, Mauri1900-1950s (circa)Lowell Skoog's house6"x9"x3" box containing negatives and prints

Collection of 150+ historic negatives and a few dozen small prints of glaciers in the Washington Cascades. The collection was given by David Hirst and Austin Post of USGS to Mauri Pelto, director of the North Cascades Glacier Climate Project. Pelto later donated the collection to the Mountaineer Archives. Photographers include: A.H. Post, Asahel Curtis, Austin Post, Barney Zell, Richard Hubley, J.B. Richardson, Lage Wernstedt and more. See MTR.2018.6 photo list.

MTR.2018.2Pollock, John papersClark, Marcia (widow)1970s-90sLowell Skoog's house10"x13" envelopeNotes related to publishing Fred Beckey's Cascade Alpine Guide in the 1970s. Other notes about Beckey.
MTR.2015.12Simmons, Charles L. photo albumNewton, Shirley (daughter)1920-1923Lowell Skoog's house1 photo album

Photos of Mt Rainier, Mountaineers Snoqualmie Lodge (1920), Olympic Mountains outing (1920), Mt Baker climb, Glacier Peak and Lyman Lake region (1921), Mt Adams and Mt St Helens (1922), and Garibaldi Lake B.C. (1923). Album includes hand-written notes by Shirley Newton naming many people and locations. (Page numbers in the notes are one page too high after p. 31.)

MTR.2011.1Spring, Bob and Ira  B&W photographsSpring, John and Vicky (children)1930s-80s+UW Special Collections36 boxesPhotos held and managed by Ira Spring until 2003. Donated by the Spring family to UW Special Collections on June 27, 2013. Copyright shall be retained by the Spring family for 10 years, during which time usage permission can be granted only by the Springs or by Lowell Skoog. Non-exclusive, royalty-free use of photographs will be granted to The Mountaineers upon written request to UW Libraries. (Unofficial copy of deed of gift here.)
MTR.2015.8Swanson, Bob photo albumSwanson, Bob1910sLowell Skoog's house1 photo albumAlbum was purchased by Bob Swanson many years ago. Album depicts President Wilson and battleships on Puget Sound, the Ballard Locks, outings to Seabeck, UW, and Woodland Park in Seattle, Snoqualmie Pass, the Green River Gorge, and a 1917 outing to Mt Rainier that climbed as high as Camp Muir. The identity of the album creator is unknown.
MTR.2018.3Triol, Edward K. photo albumTriol, Terry, grandson1911Lowell Skoog's house1 photo albumAlbum documents the 1911 Mountaineer summer outing which, in 27 days, traveled on foot from Mt Rainier through the Goat Rocks to Mt Adams (climbed it) and thence to the Columbia River, from which they approached Mt Hood (climbed it) and then traveled by steamboat to Vancouver, finally returning to Seattle. Review of the 1911 Mountaineer annual indicates that at least some of the photos in the album were not taken by Edward K. Triol. It's not known if he took any of the photos.
MTR.2015.9Venema, Harry photo albumVenema, Donn, grandson 1908Lowell Skoog's house1 photo albumAlbum documents a July 1908 climb of Mt Rainier by a YMCA group including Harry Venema. The climb, and grandson Donn Venema's experience climbing Rainier 100 years later, were described in a 2008 Northwest Mountaineering Journal article. The album also contains newspaper clippings from the 1950s and 1960s.
MTR.2016.1Washington State Highways, pre-WW2 snow removal albumWashington State Ski and Snowboard museum (WSSSM)1930sLowell Skoog's house1 photo albumAlbum was donated to WSSSM by an anonymous visitor in January 2016. The museum transferred the album to the Mountaineers for archival. Album contains scenes of snow removal work on Washington highways in the 1930s. Highways include SR-1 (Mt Baker), SR-2 (Snoqualmie Pass), SR-5 (Cayuse/Chinook Pass) and SR-15 (Stevens Pass).
MTR.2009.4Watson, R. Duke  photographsWatson, R. Duke1930s-1990sLowell Skoog's house5 boxes, a notebook of slides, plus several journals (2.9 cu-ft).Photos of mountain troop activities during WWII as well as Duke's later skiing and mountaineering in Washington and Canada. Duke's canoeing photos and movies have been donated to UW Special Collections.
MTR.2009.3Watson, Dwight  shoeboxesWatson, Dwight1920s-1996UW Special Collections4 boxes plus 2 folders (2.5 cu-ft).Many fine photographs plus extensive notes about Watson's photos, movies, and trips. (This collection was donated by The Mountaineers to UW Special Collections in October 2010.)
MTR.2015.14Watson, Dwight South Cascade Glacier photosScurlock, John1938-39

Original prints were donated to UW Special Collections with the Dwight Watson "shoebox" collection. For scans, see Digital Archives.

57 B&W photographs

Photos taken by Dwight Watson in the vicinity of the South Cascade Glacier during the summers of 1938 and 1939. The photos were originally given by Watson to Austin Post (of USGS). Post later gave the photos to John Scurlock. In 2005, Scurlock scanned all the photos at 360 dpi and gave the photos and scans to Lowell Skoog.

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