Wall Hangings

Wall Hangings

Most of the items in this list were inventoried by Lowell Skoog in 2009 before The Mountaineers moved from the 3rd Avenue (Lower Queen Anne) clubhouse to Magnuson Park. Since then, these items were moved several times and ended up in the archives storage room at Magnuson Park.

On Sept 2-3, 2021, Lowell Skoog moved all the wall hangings not being displayed at Magnuson Park out of the archives room to his home (a few miles north of the program center). This inventory was updated on 2/4/2024 after many of the items were discarded.

Note: When the wall hangings were moved to Lowell's house in Sept 2021, many more items were uncovered than are shown in the table below. Lowell has taken high resolution photos of these items (15 Mpix+) that will be preserved in Mountaineer digital collections.

Click on any image below to enlarge.

IDImageTitleCreatorCreation DateDescriptionDimensions (width x height)LocationNotes
West of Cascade PassDee MolenaarunknownWatercolor painting of Eldorado, Forbidden and Boston Basin peaks from vicinity of Magic Mtn, North Cascades. Plaque on frame says, "Gift from Tom & Nancy Miller"3ft x 1ftLowell Skoog's houseLowell has this on a wall in his house.
Prof. Edmond S. MeanyAnna Wright RogersunknownPainting of Edmond Meany, President of the Mountaineers from 1908 to 1935.2.5ft x 3.5ftSee notes ->George Rogers of Bainbridge Island contacted Lowell Skoog about this painting. George's mother, Anna Wright Rogers (daughter of George E. Wright) made the painting when she was one of Meany's students. In 2021, after several discussions, The Mountaineers decided to remove the painting from storage and display it at the club's Meany Lodge.
Mt Rainier, Mirror LakeunknownunknownPhotograph of SW side of Mt Rainier3.5ft x 3ftLowell Skoog's houseLowell has this on a wall in his house.
Mt Sir DonaldunknownunknownPhotograph of Mt Sir Donald from the vicinity of Rogers Pass3.5ft x 3ftRogers Pass Visitor Center, Glacier National Park, BCIn December 2022, this photograph was donated to Parks Canada via Anders Ourom (Lowell Skoog's Vancouver contact) and Rob Buchanan of Parks Canada.
Clark SchurmanunknownunknownPainting of Clark Schurman, early Mountaineer and guide on Mt Rainier2ft x 3ftCamp Long, a Seattle city parkDonated to Camp Long on 15 June 2024.
Old Snoqualmie LodgeunknownunknownExterior view of the Mountaineers cabin near Lodge Lake (west side)2.5ft x 2ftDiscardedLodge burned down in 1944
Old Snoqualmie LodgeunknownunknownExterior view of the Mountaineers cabin near Lodge Lake (east side)2ft x 1.5ftDiscardedLodge burned down in 1944
Old Snoqualmie LodgeunknownunknownInterior view of the Mountaineers cabin near Lodge Lake2.5ft x 2ftDiscardedLodge burned down in 1944
"New" Snoqualmie LodgeunknownunknownExterior view of the Mountaineers cabin near Snoqualmie Pass highway (between Ski Acres and Snoqualmie Summit ski areas)2.5ft x 2ftDiscardedLodge burned down in 2006
Mt Rainier newspaper storySeattle P-I12 September 1915

Framed clipping of Seattle Post-Intelligencer article about the Mountaineers outing that encircled Mt Rainier

1.5ft x 2ftLowell Skoog's house
Eldorado PeakJoan Wilshire Firey1966

Oil painting of the west face of Eldorado Peak viewed from Marble Creek

3ft x 3.5ftIn a conference room at Magnuson Park
Mt ChallengerJoan Wilshire Firey1968Oil painting of NE side of Mt Challenger in the Northern Picket Range2.5ft x 2ftLowell Skoog's houseLowell has this on a wall in his house.
Mt OlympusunknownunknownFramed photograph of Mt Olympus6.5ft x 4ftAbove Summit Room stairs at Magnuson Park
Mt OlympusunknownunknownUnframed photograph of Mt Olympus6.5ft x 4ftDiscarded
Top of the WorldunknownunknownUnframed aerial photograph of Himalayan mountain range5ft x 3.5ftIn staff offices at Magnuson Park
In the Heart of the OlympicsAsahel CurtisunknownFramed nine-section photo panorama of Olympic Mountains, Bailey Range vicinity6ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Sentinel Peak panoramaunknownunknownFramed three-section photo panorama from the summit of Sentinel Peak, North Cascades3ft x 1ftLowell Skoog's houseLowell has this on a wall in his house.
Mt Buckner panoramaArt WolfeunknownFramed four-section photo panorama from the summit of Mt Buckner, North Cascades5.5ft x 2ftLowell Skoog's house
Mt RainierunknownunknownPainting of Mt Rainier as seen from Puget Sound4ft x 2ftLowell Skoog's houseLowell has this on a wall in his house.
Members of the Mountaineers First to Conquer Mt Rainier's North FaceunknownunknownAnnotated photograph showing route lines and party members on 1935 ascents of Ptarmigan and Liberty Ridge on Mt Rainier1.5ft x 1ftDiscarded
Mt RainierunknownunknownAerial photograph of Mt Rainier from the northwest2ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Climber and crevasseunknownunknownPainting of climber next to a crevasse2ft x 2.5ftDiscarded
Snoqualmie FallsunknownunknownPhotograph of Snoqualmie Falls, Washington1ft x 2ftDiscarded
Chair PeakunknownunknownPhotograph of Chair Peak from the northeast1ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Kendall CatwalkunknownunknownPhotograph of Kendall Catwalk on Pacific Crest Trail above Snoqualmie pass2ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Old forestunknownunknownPhotograph of old-growth forest1ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Lake CrescentunknownunknownPanoramic photograph of Lake Crescent, Olympic Penninsula3ft x 1ftGiven to a Annie Phalen
Mountaineers Climbing Achievement AwardThe Mountaineers1932-1963Annual award for outstanding climbing achievement1ft x 1.5ftMagnuson Park Summit Room
Mountaineers Climbing Achievement AwardThe Mountaineers1978Annual award for outstanding climbing achievement1ft x 1.5ftMagnuson Park Summit Room
Mountaineers Ski Patrol TrophyThe Mountaineers1930-36Trophy for annual Mountaineers Patrol Race from Snoqualmie to Stampede Pass1ft x 1.5ftMagnuson Park Summit Room
Mt EverestunknownunknownPhotograph of Mt Everest from the east1ft x 1ftDiscarded
Dose Forks BridgeH.K. WalkerunknownPainting of Dosewallips River bridge, Olympic Mountains2.5ft x 2ftDiscarded
1935 Summer Outingunknownc1935Painting apparently from Mountaineers 1935 summer outing1.5ft x 1.5ftDiscarded
Mountaineers Irish CabinunknownunknownPen and ink drawing of a rustic cabin2ft x 1.5ftGiven to Garth Ferber
Stokes-ski and Akia rescue littersunknowncirca 1950sPhotograph of Stokes-ski and Akia rescue litters2ft x 1.5ftDiscardedStokes-ski designed and built by Jack Hossack, Wolf Bauer, and Wally Burr
Stokes-ski Transportunknowncirca 1950sPhotograph of Jack Hossack carrying a Stokes-ski litter1.5ft x 2 ftDiscarded
Snoqualmie Mountain RescueBob and Ira SpringApril 18, 1954Photograph of Kurt Beam, Dr. Otto Trott, Al Krupp and Wolf Bauer of the Seattle Mountain Rescue Council rescuing Bill Degenhardt from an avalanche accident on Mt Snoqualmie2ft x 1.5ftDiscardedModified "Bergtrage" litter in use

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