

This page should become part of our library catalog after it is resurrected.

TitleDatesLocation (see map)Subscription StatusNotes
Accidents in North American Mountaineering (ANAM)1948-2017Archives, C2NTActive (LSkoog), will donate
Alpine Journal (Great Britain)1863-2008Archives, T5S, T4S, T3SInactiveShould we activate this subscription and/or fill in missing volumes?

2004-2021+ (gaps in collection)

Archives, S3.2 (in a box).Active (LSkoog), will donate

A combination of bound and unbound volumes including the following numbers: #6, 9, 14-25, 27, 28, 36-41, 43, 46-69. (This list needs to be checked.)

As of 8/14/2021, LSkoog has the following numbers at his house: 3-5, 7-10, 14, 15, 19-74+. In August 2021, Michele at Height of Land Publications said that due to a warehouse fire (under the previous publisher) they have back issues in print or digital format only after Issue 26.

American Alpine Journal (AAJ)1929-2017Archives, C2NTActive (LSkoog), will donate
Appalachia1876-2009Archives, T3S, T2SInactiveShould we activate this subscription and/or fill in missing volumes?
Ascent1967-1976Archives, TEOut of printIn 2010s, Rock & Ice publishes a version of Ascent sporadically
Backpacker1973-2011Archives, T1N, T2NActive (MTRs)

Collection is complete from Issue #1 (Spring 1973) thru April 2011, missing only Issue #103 (Nov 1990). After April 2011 there is a gap (no issues) until April 2015. From that date to the present (March 2018), we are missing only July 2016 and October 2017. Collection is hard-bound in annual volumes from 1973 through 2007. Issues after that date are currently unbound.

B.C. Mountaineer2000-2006Archives, C2NBInactive
Canadian Alpine Journal (CAJ)1907-2007, 2009, 2017-2018Archives, C2NBActive (MTRs)
Cascadian (annual)1937-2009Archives, C3NBActive (MTRs)
Cliff Notes1992-2006Archives, C3NBOut of print?Published by Mountaineers Climbing Committee
Climbing Magazine1970-2011Archives, T3NActive (MTRs)
High Mountain Sports1992-2005Archives, TEInactiveSuccessor to Mountain, published by British Mountaineering Council
Living Wilderness1959-1966Archives, TEInactive
Mazama (annual)1896-2016Archives, T1SActive (LSkoog), will donate
Mountain1969-1992Archives, TEOut of print
Mountaineer Annual (reference set + indexes)1907-1995Archives, C3NTOut of print

The Mountaineer Annuals are now digitized and available online here. Also see archival collection which is stored on shelves N6 in the archives.

Mountaineer Board Minutes1906-2003Archives, C3NBInactive
Mountaineer Bulletin (reference set)1911-2007Archives, C3NTActive (MTRs)

Since the 2000s, the monthly Mountaineer bulletin has been known as simply "Mountaineer," since there is no longer an annual issue. Also, the number of issues per year has decreased, so it is no longer a monthly publication.

The reference set of bulletins are hard-bound for greater longevity when used by researchers. For additional, unbound, bulletins, see the archival collection. (The archival collection has all bulletins through the present, with extra copies of issues that need to be bound for reference.)

Mountaineer Committee Minutes and ReportsvariousArchives, C3NBInactive
Mountaineer Roster1957-2002Archives, C3NBOut of printSee inventory (some loose rosters are in C2NB)
Mountain GazetteSep 1973 thru Dec/Jan 1979Archives, T5NOut of print

Formerly published as Skiers' Gazette from 1966 until 1972. Beginning in September 1972, it was issued as a large-format B&W monthly magazine under the title Mountain Gazette. We have issue #13 (Sept 1973) through the last issue (#76/77) published in Dec/Jan 1978-79. Donated to the Mountaineers by Tom Richardson. (Note: Issues 13-24 are in a large hardbound volume with a detached spine.)

Mountain GazetteMar/Apr 2001 thru Aug 2008Archives T5NOut of printMountain Gazette was revived around 2001 as a large color magazine. We have issues 79 (Mar-Apr 2001) thru 85, 87-92, 94-99, 101-130, 132-134, 138-140, 144, and 146 (Aug 2008). Donated to the Mountaineers by Michael Koerner.
Northwest Mountaineering Journal (NWMJ)2004-2010Archives, C3NTOut of printLibrary has hardbound copies of 2004-2007. For online journal see alpenglow.org
Off Belay1972-81Archives, TEOut of printThis is a complete run of Off Belay.
Rock & Ice1984-2004+Archives, T4NActive (LSkoog), will donate
Sea Kayaker1984-2013Archives, T2N, (T4N unbound copies)Out of print
Sierra Club Bulletin1934-2003 (gaps in collection)Archives, T1SInactiveBound volumes of SCB: Jun 1934, 1936-37 (incomplete), Dec 1946, 1947 (incomplete), 1948, 1949 (incomplete), 1950, 1951-52 (incomplete), 1953-54 (incomplete), 1955-56, 1957-60 (incomplete), 1961-63 (incomplete), Dec 1963, 1964-65, 1966-70 (incomplete), 1971-79 (incomplete). Bound volumes of Sierra magazine: 2001-03 plus several dozen unbound magazines.
Summit1955-1996Archives, T1NOut of print

Missing issue: May 1958 only. When the Mountaineers collection of Summit was bound, we were also missing April 1958, June 1958 and March 1961. Those issues were later donated to the archives and they are stored in an envelope together with the bound issues. (Also see Lowell Skoog's collection.)

UIAA Journal1989-2003Archives, T2SInactiveThree bound volumes, plus UP European Report for 2003-05.

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