Digitized Documents

Digitized Documents

This page lists digital documents that have been added to our Digital Archives. Click links in ID column below for finding aids for the original documents, when available.

For documents that we also have in hard copy format, see Documents page.


NameSource or donorCreatedIDDescriptionNotes
Anderson, LloydHistory of Recreational Equipment, Inc.Anderson family1980MTR.2009.5.1Early history of REI Co-op.
Anderson, LloydLloyd Anderson's climbing notebookAnderson family1980MTR.2009.5.2Description of Lloyd Anderson trips and early years of the Mountaineers Climbing Course.
Majors, HarryHarry Majors collectionHarry Majors2018MTR.2018.8PDF documents and some photosScanned copies of correspondence and photos acquired by Harry Majors during historical research on the North Cascades. Correspondents include Hermann Ulrichs and others.
Moen, LynnTheatre in the WildThe Mountaineers1999MTR.2018.9A pictorial history of the Mountaineers Forest Theatre, published by the Mountaineers History Committee.The digital file is a PDF copy made by scanning a paper copy of the book. The pagination is suitable for reprinting paper copies, but not so good for reading online.
Mountaineers, TheMountaineer AnnualThe Mountaineers1907-1994MTR.2018.11

Complete set of Mountaineer Annuals in PDF files. These files are text-searchable. This is the master set, archived as a backup for the working set which is accessible to the public via the world-wide web.

Roster information from annuals later than 1955 has been removed to reduce privacy concerns. See also MTR.2008.1.
Mountaineers, TheMountaineer (bulletin/magazine)The Mountaineers2011+MTR.2022.1

Collection of Mountaineer magazine (formerly known as the Mountaineer Bulletin) in PDF files.

NOTE: We are no longer archiving paper copies of the Mountaineer magazine.

This collection begins in 2011 and should extend to the current time. Digitized copies of the bulletin/magazine published before 2011 do not exist at this time. (Digitization of older bulletins may be a future project.)
Mountaineers, TheSharkfin Tower Accident ReportThe Mountaineers2005MTR.2024.2Sharkfin Tower accident report (zip file containing six documents).Report of rappelling accident below Sharkfin Tower in North Cascades National Park on July 10, 2005 (three fatalities).
Mountaineers, TheMountaineers History Committee minutesThe Mountaineers2007+MTR.2020.1Mountaineers History/Library Committee minutes.Documents are in DOC or RTF format.
Mountaineers, TheSki Mountaineers' NotebookThe Mountaineers1941-42MTR.2020.2Course notebook for the Mountaineers first ski mountaineering course in 1941-42. (Scanned to PDF format from a photocopy obtained from UW Special Collections, Accession 3272.)The date on the cover page of the book says 1942, but the course dates on page 1 indicate that the course began in autumn 1941. This course was organized by Walt Little.
Mountaineers, TheSki MountaineeringThe Mountaineers1942-43MTR.2020.3Course notebook for the second year of the Mountaineers ski mountaineering course in 1942-43. (Scanned to PDF format from a photocopy obtained from UW Special Collections, Accession 3272.)Course dates on page 1 confirm that this handbook was created for the 1942-43 ski season. Some notes from the book can be found here.
Various authorsEnchantment Lakes name controversyTabor, Rowland1960sMTR.2017.6Collection of scanned documents (JPG images) pertaining to official names for features in the Enchantment Lakes region of the central Cascades of Washington. The documents describe a controversy regarding names preferred by the Board of Geographic Names versus local names inspired by Norse mythology.Collection is contained in a ZIP file.
Yore, GeneMagnuson Renovation FactsThe Mountaineersca. 2010MTR.2018.10Facts about the renovation of the Magnuson Park program center that took place before the Mountaineers moved in.

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