Digital Photographs

Digital Photographs

Click links in ID column below for finding aids for the original photographs.

MTR.2009.5Anderson, Lloyd and Mary photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected scans from the Anderson collection.25 scans
MTR.2018.12Baker (Mount) Lodge, photo and artifact displaysLowell Skoog1940s-50sDigital photos of a memorial display (skis and a portrait) commemorating Bill Degenhardt at the Mountaineers Mt Baker Lodge.8 digital photos
MTR.2015.15Baker, Mount, 1939 Avalanche photos and reportSee CollectionsSee CollectionsPhotos and text from USFS report on the 1939 Mt Baker avalanche that killed six Western Washington College students. Additional photos related to the avalanche were donated by John Scurlock.About 30 photos plus PDF report.
MTR.2018.13Bauer, Wolf photographsLynn Hyde and Emily Noel1910s-2000sPhotographs assembled by Wolf Bauer and Lynn Hyde for the book, Crags, Eddies & Riprap: The Sound Country Memoir of Wolf Bauer. (We have two collections that overlap somewhat, but not entirely.)About 200 photos in 2 folders. We have only digital copies.
MTR.2018.14Davis, Dan photographsSuzan Reiley and Jeff Thomas1960s-2000sMostly climbing photographs taken by Dan Davis and scanned by Jeff Thomas of The Mazamas, from the collection held by Suzan Reiley.Over 750 scans. We have only digital copies.
MTR.2009.2Dickert, Othello Phillip papersSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected scans (mostly from the 1930s) from the Othello Phillip Dickert papers. Most of the scans illustrate early instructional booklets (from Europe) and a Lyllywhites equipment catalog. There are a few scans of a 1946 Mountaineer Climbers Notebook and of the cover of Dickert's final exam from the Mountaineers climbing course taught by Wolf Bauer.46 scans
MTR.2009.1Dickert, Othello Phillip photosSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected scans (mostly from the 1930s) from the Othello Phillip Dickert collection. We also have scans of some photos which were retained by the Dickert family (of which we do not have physical copies).About 140 scans in 3 folders (climbing, skiing, family-held photos)
MTR.2015.13Gilded Olympics photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid.About 30 scans
MTR.2015.16Hershey, Mary photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid, plus high resolution scans of selected images.About 110 scans
MTR.2009.8Hessey, Charles and Marion photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected scans (mostly from the 1950s and 1960s) from the Hessey photo collection. Scans have been grouped into skiing photos and summer scenes. Summer photos have been selected with an emphasis on alpine scenery and glaciers.About 300 scans in 2 folders
MTR.2018.15Kjeldsen, Jim, The Mountaineers: A HistoryBrad Stracener1906 through 1990sScans of photos from the 1998 history of The Mountaineers written by Jim Kjeldsen and published by The Mountaineers Books. Creation of this book that was the formative project for Mountaineers History Committee.About 120 scans
MTR.2015.17Marzolf, Art and Grace photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected high-res scans from this collection (reduced for finding aid) focusing on Snoqualmie Lodge, Lyman Lake and a few other subjects.16 scans
MTR.2018.16Meany Lodge photo displaysPatti Polinski. Scans made by Lowell Skoog1930sScans of three large laminated cardboard displays showing early skiing and other activities at the Mountaineers Meany Lodge. The displays were stored for many years at Meany Lodge.About 50 scans. The original display boards are currently at Lowell Skoog's house.
MTR.2018.17Meany Lodge, miscellaneous photosLowell Skoog1930sMiscellaneous photos found in Meany Lodge collections.Just one so far.
MTR.2010.5Moore, Harvey E. photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans (to create PDF finding aid) of album pages related to NW mountaineering. High resolution scans of a few images.5 high-res scans
MTR.2018.18Mountaineers Books photosLowell Skoog1920s-1960sSelected scans from books published by The Mountaineers. Scans were obtained by Lowell Skoog for the Alpenglow Ski Mountaineering History Project.7 scans
MTR.2018.19Mountaineers Lantern Slides (UW)Lowell Skoog1910s-20sSelected copies of lantern slides donated by The Mountaineers to UW Special Collections. (Current selection shows winter recreation.)4 digital photos
MTR.2018.20Mountaineers, miscellaneous skiing photosLowell Skoog1910s-30sMiscellaneous ski-related photos obtained by Lowell Skoog during personal research. Includes photos of the original Mountaineers Patrol Race trophies (club and open race).4 digital photos
MTR.2018.21Mountaineers Photo Collection (UW Collection No. 341)Lowell Skoog1910s-30sMiscellaneous winter and ski-related photos obtained by Lowell Skoog during personal research.25 digital photos
MTR.2015.11Mueller, Lynda albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid. High resolution scans of selected images.21 high-res scans
MTR.2018.6Pelto, Mauri collection (2011)See CollectionsSee CollectionsHigh resolutions scans of (all?) images in this collection.158 high-res scans
MTR.2018.24Schoening, Pete materialsPete Schoening2000Photocopy of Pete's sketch of his 1953 K2 ice axe, made at the Washington State Historical Society on 3 March 2000 during discussions about transferring the axe to the AAC Bradford Washburn Museum. (Scan was made by Lowell Skoog in 2018. The drawing was returned to the file cabinet in the Mountaineer Archives.)1 scan
MTR.2015.12Simmons, Charles L. albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid. High resolution scans of selected images.44 high-res scans
MTR.2011.1Spring, Bob and Ira  B&W photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected scans from this very large collection. (Entire collection consists of tens of thousands of negatives and prints.)Over 1600 high-res scans
MTR.2016.2Streeter, Lillian photo album (digital photos only)Sara Ferguson1910sSelected scans from the Lillian Streeter photo album by her great grand-daughter, Sara Ferguson. This accession includes digital photos only. Permission has been granted for The Mountaineers to use these pictures for educational purposes. Several photos in the album depict Lillian Streeter and her sister Agnes. In a photo of four women sitting on a large rock, Agnes is on the far right (light kerchief) and Lillian (dark kerchief) is seated next to her. Most photos are taken near Mt Rainier, possibly during the 1915 round-the-mountain outing.42 high-res scans
MTR.2015.8Swanson, Bob photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsPDF finding aid of entire album. (No individual scans have been saved in our digital archives. They could be extracted from the PDF file.)PDF finding aid only
MTR.2018.3Triol, Edward K. photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsMedium resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid, plus high resolution scans of selected images.34 high-res scans
MTR.2015.9Venema, Harry photo albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSelected medium and high resolution scans of photographs in this album.37 scans
MTR.2016.1Washington State Highways, pre-WW2 snow removal albumSee CollectionsSee CollectionsHigh resolution scans of all pages of this photo album, used to create the PDF finding aid, plus high resolution scans of selected images.75 scans
MTR.2009.4Watson, R. Duke photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsSubjects include skiing, climbing and service in the WWII 10th Mountain Division. (Also, there is one scan obtained from Denver Public Library.)About 70 scans
MTR.2009.3Watson, Dwight photographs (Mountaineers shoebox collection)Lowell SkoogMostly 1930s-40sSelected scans from the Dwight Watson "shoebox collection" originally donated to the Mountaineers by Watson's estate and later donated to UW Special Collections.About 150 scans in 3 folders
MTR.2018.22Watson, Dwight photographs (UW Collection No. 165)Lowell SkoogMostly 1930s-40sSelected scans of photographs donated by Dwight Watson's estate directly to UW Special Collections following his death. An enclosed folder contains reference photographs of cardboard sheets on which Watson mounted and annotated many of his pictures.About 90 copies made with a digital camera
MTR.2015.14Watson, Dwight South Cascade glacier photographsSee CollectionsSee CollectionsB&W photographs donated from Dwight Watson to Austin Post (USGS) to John Scurlock to Lowell Skoog. Digital scans were made by Scurlock.About 60 scans

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