MTR.2011.2 Mountaineers Film Collection, Charles and Marion Hessey Films

MTR.2011.2 Mountaineers Film Collection, Charles and Marion Hessey Films

Film-to-Video Transfers

In 2004, Lowell Skoog of the Mountaineers History Committee borrowed films 1-15 (below) from Marion Hessey and Phil Dahl for transfer to digital videotape for the Northwest Wilderness Heritage Film Preservation Project. This project was sponsored by a grant from The Mountaineers Foundation. The item numbers in the tables (below) match stickers placed on the film cans during this project. The following table provides details of video transfers. (Click a movie name below for film notes and clips.)

DescriptionDateFormatLengthVideo TransferArchive LocationComments
"Skiing Cascade Wilderness"195616mm, color, sound33 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture from film #2, sound from film #1.
"Glacier Peak Holiday"195716mm, color, sound30 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture and sound from film #5.
"Cascade Crest Trail"195816mm, color, sound24 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture and sound from film #13, replacing picture with footage from film #14 where possible.
"From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness"195816mm, color, sound30 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture and sound from film #7.
"Pasayten Wilderness Skiing"195816mm, color, sound16 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture from film #6, sound from film #12.
"A North Cascades National Park? Affirmatives, Edition 1"c195916mm, color, sound16 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture and sound from film #9.
"Crystal Mountain and You"195916mm, color, silent16 min.2010, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsFilms #105 and #106.
"Have You Seen the North Cascades National Park?"c196816mm, color, sound20 min.2004, DigiBetaUW Special CollectionsPicture and sound from film #10.

Note: In 2009 we discovered films 3-B, 6-B and 6-C, below, which have better footage than what we used in the 2004 transfer project.

16mm Feature Films

All of these films are in color. The picture quality on sound prints is not as good as on silent originals. Scripts for most of these films are in the Hessey papers.

1"Skiing Cascade Wilderness"16mm, magnetic soundAbout 30minGood sound but the picture has bad scratches throughout.
2"Ski Lyman, KOMO-TV Original Kodachrome"16mm, silent originalAbout 30minThis is the original of "Skiing Cascade Wilderness." This film is in beautiful shape but has no soundtrack. There is extra footage during the long North Star ski descent which causes this film to get out of sync with the soundtrack from film #1. To use the film #1 soundtrack with this film, we need to fill (or eliminate) this gap and resynchronize on Bruce Gilbert playing the harmonica.
3"Glacier Peak Holiday"16mm, silent originalAbout 14minBeautiful footage. No soundtrack. This film is incomplete, ending at the Pyramid Mountain viewpoint. (See film 3-B below.)
3-B"Glacier Peak Holiday"16mm, silent original16minBeautiful footage. No soundtrack. This film is incomplete, beginning with horse packers led by Ray Courtney on McGregor Mountain and continuing through the end of "Glacier Peak Holiday." This reel was overlooked during the Northwest Wilderness Heritage Film Preservation project. This and film 3 (above) are definitely the best picture source for "Glacier Peak Holiday." This film does not match the soundtrack on film 5, but may match film 4. Some of the horse packing footage was used in "Have You Seen the North Cascades National Park?"
4"Glacier Peak Holiday"16mm, magnetic soundAbout 30minThis soundtrack begins, "Let us pretend..." Chuck narrates the entire film. This is the film on Marion's old VHS video (#20). There are a few sections of poor sound.
5"Glacier Peak Holiday"16mm, magnetic soundAbout 30minThis soundtrack is different from film #4. Marion narrates the portion about the importance of water. There are no poor sections on the soundtrack in this film.
6"From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness Area"16mm, silent original36minThis film is in beautiful shape, but has no soundtrack. It includes the complete winter ski sequence at Spanish Camp and makes the transition to summer by showing scenes along the Naches River. It returns to the Pasayten at Three Fools Pass. However, this film does not include the Whatcom Pass sequence at the end. The film ends with rain on the tarp at Whatcom Pass. (See films 6-B, 6-C below.)
6-B"From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness Area"16mm, silent original4minBeautiful footage. No soundtrack. This film is incomplete, beginning with Marion Hessey cooking breakfast at Whatcom Pass and continuing through the end of "East to West." This reel was overlooked during the Northwest Wilderness Heritage Film Preservation project. This reel should be combined with film 6 to provide the best picture source for "East to West." This film is missing scenes found in film #7.
6-C"From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness Area"16mm, silent original9minBeautiful footage. No soundtrack. This film is incomplete, beginning with Marion Hessey shaking water off the tarp in the morning after rain at Whatcom Pass. This film includes some of the scenes missing from film 6-B. I don't know if it has all the missing scenes. This reel was overlooked during the Northwest Wilderness Heritage Film Preservation project. This reel should be combined with film 6 to provide the best picture source for "East to West."
7"From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness Area"16mm, magnetic sound31minGood soundtrack. The film has scratches at the beginning but this improves. This film is entirely about summer and does not include the Spanish Camp winter sequence.
8"From East to West in the North Cascades Primitive Area"16mm, magnetic sound-In this film, the winter skiing segment is truncated. There is no air drop and it doesn't include Chuck's injured finger. The narration seems a little less polished than in other films. There is a broken splice half way through and I didn't watch the second half.
9"A North Cascades National Park? Affirmatives, Edition 1"16mm, optical sound16minGood sound. Nice scenery, but probably the poorest picture quality of the Hessey feature films (faded). Shows a backpacking trip from the head of Downey Creek to White Rock Lakes and back. (NCCC film in mailing box. See also films 113 and 128, below.)
10"Have You Seen the North Cascades National Park?"16mm, magnetic sound20minGood sound, nice color. There are a few scratches and blips, but in good shape overall.
11"A North Cascades National Park? Affirmatives, Edition 1"16mm, magnetic sound-The soundtrack for this film is incomplete, or maybe non-existent.
12"Pasayten Wilderness Skiing"16mm, magnetic soundAbout 20minThis is the complete winter skiing segment from film #6, with sound. This film doesn't have a title and doesn't have the introductory scenes from film #6. It appears that this footage was removed from an earlier version of the film, perhaps to make the all-summer version in film #7. This film is entirely about skiing. It ends when Chuck and Marion leave the Spanish Camp cabin.
13"Cascade Crest Trail"16mm, magnetic sound25minHighlights of the crest trail from the Columbia River to the Canadian border. Lots of mountain goat footage. Good sound. Includes some skiing footage. Nice film.
14"KOMO Goats"16mm, silent original25minSilent version of film #13. This film includes two bits of leader inserted in the Dome Peak area.
15"NCNP - Pulled from 'A' roll 'A People's Wilderness'"16mm, silent30minThis reel contains outtakes from other films, mainly "East to West..." and "Have You Seen..." Variable quality. Many of the scenes were included in other films. This film has a broken splice at the beginning, right after the leader. (Note: This film apparently was not donated to the Mountaineers by the Hessey estate. As of Oct. 2009 it is missing.)

Analog Videotapes

The following analog videotapes were made by the Hesseys, probably in the 1980s. Lowell Skoog borrowed them for reference in 2004 during the Northwest Wilderness Heritage Film Preservation Project. We returned them to Marion Hessey after the project was complete (without duplicating them). Some of the 16mm films may have been changed since these tapes were made. The Hessey estate donated these videos back to the Mountaineers in 2008, but some were missing, as noted below:

  • Item 16: VHS video - "Skiing Cascade Wilderness" (missing)
  • Item 17: VHS video - "North Cascade National Park"
  • Item 18: Beta video - "Lyman Lake Skiing"
  • Item 19: Audio cassette - "Lyman Lake Skiing"
  • Item 20: VHS video - "Glacier Peak Holiday"
  • Item 21: VHS video - "From East to West in Pasayten Wilderness and NCNP"
  • Item 22: VHS video - "North Cascades National Park and 8mm old" (missing)

16mm Short Films

These films are in cans, generally on 7-inch reels. Unless noted below, Lowell Skoog projected each of these films (once) in October 2009, dictating observations into a digital tape recorder. A CD-ROM of these recordings has been stored with the films. If there wasn't much to say about a film, the recording was discarded.

101Ski pictures, pre-war, Lowman16mm, silent, color400ftTitle on film: "Skiing Gold Hill." Note in can says, "Ken: Some sprocket hole trouble here. The film kept losing its loop in my projector. Be careful. Chas." Some long scratches early in the film--this improves. Skiing at Gold Hill, Crystal Mtn, Silver Basin. Mostly powder skiing. Some excellent lighting. (Viewed through lupe only. "Lowman" may be Gene Lowman.)
102Ski pictures #216mm, silent, color200ftMore Gold Hill skiing. Several scenes in middle of film are marred by a sliver near the top of the frame. (Viewed through lupe only.)
1031947-48 ski pictures16mm, silent8minSkiing at Gold Hill and Crystal Mtn. There is a short scene of the Gold Hill rope tow. Pictures are often scratched or dirty. Film includes a mix of color and B&W footage. B&W footage looks like it may be from the 1930s.
104Hogback, etc.16mm, silent, color11minFilm is in good shape. Hand-written note in can says: "Hogback, Holden (O. Ross, Sullivan), Storm at Hart Lake, Goats American Ridge." Good scenes of Marion Hessey touring and skiing on Hogback Mtn (c1953). Scenes of White Pass ski area in 1950s, poma-lift (foggy). Party of six skiers leaves Holden and skis toward Hart Lake in storm. Short scene of goats in summer.
105"Crystal Mountain and You" (part 1)16mm, silent, color15minReel 1 of 2. Film is in good shape. Fine scenes of the Crystal Mountain ski area before development (c1959), including the original road and the Miner's Basin cabin. Film includes sub-titles describing the areas shown, including: "Black Rock," "Powder Pass," "Round Mountain," "Under Crystal's Summit," The script for this film is in the Hessey papers. Very historic film!
106"Crystal Mountain and You" (part 2)16mm, silent, color5minReel 2 of 2. Film is in good shape. More scenes of skiing at Crystal Mtn. A few scenes of an established ski area with chairlifts, probably White Pass. Film ends with the message, "See you at Crystal," signed by Chuck and Marion Hessey.
107Nile elk and local skiing16mm, silent, color13minFilm generally in good shape, but some light leakage on ski scenes. At the beginning and end of the film are scenes of powder skiing above the Naches River valley either on Cleman Mtn or more likely on Bethel Ridge (north facing). There is also a short segment of skiing on Hogback Mtn on a clear, windy day. Most of the film is devoted to Elk grazing in the Naches Valley, either foraging or eating hay unloaded from a truck. Also, there is a short scene showing a map of Lucerne (Lake Chelan), and people playing cards.
108Sourdough, etc.16mm, silent, color7minNote in film can says, "Fog City skiing, Gold Hill, Crystal. This film used to beef up TV of Crystal." Film is in good shape. Some fine scenes of powder skiing with good light. Some scenes have not-so-good light.
109Chelan #1, 193916mm, silent, color7minFilm is in good shape, but some scenes rather dark. Film opens with young men diving into Lake Chelan. Boat cruises up the lake. Scenes of boys and young men (teenagers) fishing, hiking, swimming in river, glissading. Several scenes near Park Creek Pass. Probably a Scout trip.
110Chelan #2, 193916mm, silent, color5minFilm is in good shape, some nice color scenes. Note in can says, "Dolly Varden (Gene and fish); McGregor lookout; En route to Horseshoe Basin; Sahale; Cowell, Paul, Meg; Troop at Bridge Creek; pitching horseshoes." That's a good summary of what's on the film.
111Chelan #3, 193916mm, silent, B&W8minFilm has a magenta cast. If it was ever in color, it's not anymore. Some portions pretty well scratched. The film has sub-titles. Features Agnes Creek, driving down Stehekin River road, Rainbow Falls, Stehekin dock, cruising down Lake Chelan, crossing Columbia River on Entiat Ferry, construction of Grand Coulee Dam (very interesting), Dry Falls.
112Chelan #4, 193916mm, silent, B&W14minIf this film was ever in color, it's not anymore. Some scenes have magenta cast, but most don't. The film has sub-titles. Features Cascade Pass, swimming hole at Bridge Creek, making pies, lots of fishing (nice shots), camping near Park Creek Pass, porcupine at Skagit Queen mine cabin.
113Fall-Winter, Downey Ck, Goats16mm, silent, color9minFilm is in good shape. Note in can says, "Good winter shots, Keeling crossing Leroy Ck, Downey Ck, WR Lakes." Autumn scenes by a river, goats in the high country, winter scenes by a river, fording a creek in summer, White Rock Lakes scenes (probably outtakes).
114Winter16mm, silent, color14minNo label on film can, note inside says, "Winter." This film contains a variety of winter scenes from the Naches Valley and vicinity. Includes scenes of ice on the river, snow falling, sweeping snow off car windows, cutting a Christmas tree, pruning fruit trees, a snow survey crew, fishing, putting chains on a VW bug, snowmobile races (old yellow Ski-Doos), ski race at White Pass in 1959, local skiing above the Naches Valley, skiing on Hogback Mtn, lots of elk scenes. All footage is in good shape.
115Springtime #116mm, silent, color15minFilm is in good shape. Chinook Pass road cut through deep snow, melting and rushing rivers, Nevarre Peak on skis and snowshoes, Cashmere Mtn hike, pruning/grafting trees, flowers, horses, Indians fishing along a river with nets on long poles, fishery workers, kayakers on a lake; elk, deer and other animals.
116Springtime #216mm, silent, color13minSome goats, a coyote, a thumping grouse, a few other animals, and lots of footage of deer. Film is in good shape.
117Cascade Pass area16mm, silent, color3minFilm is in good shape, unlabeled can. Peaks around Cascade Pass, Horseshoe Basin, Stehekin River, spring and summer.
118Rappelling, etc.16mm, silent, color5minFilm is in good shape. Note in can says, "Ice axe arrest (Sullivan) here, Park Creek rappelling." Several young men in upper Park Creek set an anchor and rappel over a slabby cliff. Rappel is made with a carabiner clipped to a diaper sling and the rope running over one shoulder. A chest sling is attached to safety prusik. Short scene of hiker on snowfield falling and performing ice axe arrest. Camp scenes. Some wildlife.
1191948-49 Gold Hill Ski Club #116mm, silent, color11minFilm can label: "1948-49 No. 2, Enchantment Lakes." The film opens with a title: "The Gold Hill Ski Club Presents: Activities of the Membership, 1948-49 Season." Each segment begins with a sub-title. Chuck Hessey demonstrates proper ski technique from snowplow through short-swing. Lots of scenes of skiing Crown Point and Gold Hill area. Last part of the film shows skiing in the upper Enchantment Lakes. Film is somewhat dirty (specks) but not too badly scratched.
1201948-49 Gold Hill Ski Club #216mm, silent, color9minFilm can label: "1948-49 No. 1, Stuart Climb, Interglacier." Film contains three segments: Crown Point skiing, Mt Stuart climb, Interglacier skiing. Film is somewhat dirty (specks) but not too badly scratched. All segments are quite good.
121Harts Pass north #116mm, silent, color7minVery nice footage. Scenes along the Devils Loop trail and other locations in the western Pasayten wilderness. My guess is that this was candidate footage for "East to West."
122Harts Pass north #216mm, silent, color4minVery nice footage. Note in can says, "Harts Pass to Canadian Border." Film starts at Harts Pass and visits Three Forks cabin, Rock Creek Pass, and the U.S./Canada Boundary. My guess is that this was candidate footage for the Crest Trail film.
123Going into Gold Hill, etc16mm, silent, color10minFilm is in good shape, includes Boulder Creek, Emmons Glacier telephoto, old helicopters taking off. Best segment shows Marion Hessey and Tom Lyon leaving a car on the Chinook Pass highway (big snow banks!) and skiing to the Gold Hill cabin which is deeply buried in snow. Tom digs a tunnel down to the door. Film closes with a brief shot of Marion skiing local slopes above the Naches Valley.
124Chelan boat breakdown, American Ridge goats16mm, silent, color11minChelan boat breaks down in 1950s. Marion Hessey, Bruce Gilbert and others build a fire on the shore to keep warm. Lady of the Lake comes by to pick them up. Rest of film shows goats on American Ridge. The best goat footage is hand-held and rather shaky.
125Bridge Creek area16mm, silent, color8minFilm is in good shape. Some scenes a bit dark. Note in can says, "Bridge Creek, Newcomer, Troop One." Hiking and scenery around Bridge Creek above Stehekin, boys fishing and swimming.
126Scouts and Glacier Peak16mm, silent, color10minFilm tends toward scratchiness, some dark scenes. Scouts in Bridge Creek and Park Creek area. A very lively snowball fight. Horseshoe Basin. Scouts climb Glacier Peak via Chocolate and Cool Glaciers.
127Boys and mountains, c195916mm, silent, color12minFilm is in good shape, good but not great color. Boys fishing in the Stehekin Valley. One scene shows how to make a fire pit. Hikers ascend North Fork Bridge Creek to Douglas Glacier on Mt Logan. Silent Lakes hiking and swimming. Self arrest practice. Bears in meadows, hikers near Park Creek Pass, snowball baseball above the pass.
128White Rock Lakes16mm, silent, color16minThe film illustrates a 1959 trip from Downey Creek to White Rock Lakes with Bob and Betsy Swenson. This film contains original footage (in good shape) used in "A North Cascades National Park?" This film is not edited the same as the sound prints we have. It includes scenes not used in the finished film as well as some outtakes (i.e. sideways pictures and damaged footage). It also includes scenes that were in the sound version. Some very nice footage.
129Winter season16mm, silent, color14minFilm is in good shape, shows wildlife in winter: deer, raccoons, ptarmigan, ermine, elk. Not exceptional footage.
130Snowfield Peak16mm, silent, color8minFilm is in good shape. Film opens with scene of Marion Hessey at a tent camp on snow (with skis) among rime plastered trees. After miscellaneous scenes, there are scenes of a summer ascent of Snowfield Peak via the Neve Glacier.
131Alpine Lakes16mm, silent, color4minFilm is in good shape. Title: "The Alpine Lakes." Aerial shot of Mt Daniel and Pea Soup Lake. Stuart Range from Kittitas Valley. Misc shots of hiking and scenery, perhaps in the Alpine Lakes area. This film seems like the kernel of an idea, not fully realized.
132Misc outtakes16mm, silent, color12minFilm is in good shape. This is an odd collection of original footage that has been used in Hessey feature films as well as scenes that I haven't seen before. Familiar scenes include Marion Hessey and Yvonne Prater at Boulder Pass and Napeequa Valley ("Glacier Pk Holiday") and Chuck Hessey skiing North Star Mtn ("Skiing Cascade Wilderness"). Outtakes include unused footage from the Lyman Lake airdrop ("Skiing Cascade Wilderness").
133Miscellany16mm, silent, color350ftPartially viewed. Note in film can says, "Marmot - Rainier, bear some snow, Marion and Sheep Lk, Elk - Fifes Ridge - calves, Robin Lake, fireweed at Stevens Pass, Lake Janus, berry picking, blueberry bluemouth, Swensons - Monte Cristo, Sally Ann Lake, grouse, Skiing at Lyman, Crest Trail in timber, Red Pass - Commonwealth, PCTS sign, Dewey Lake, bee on flower, butterfly, etc." Lyman skiing consisted of two shots of Chuck Hessey skiing North Star Mtn in corn snow, apparently outtakes.
134Miscellany16mm, silent, color150ftThis film has not been viewed. Note in film can says, "Grouse on limb, Mt Rainier and Fifes Ridge, goats, ticks, [illegible], bear goats A.R. (American Ridge)."
135Miscellany16mm, silent, color350ftThis film has not been viewed. Note in film can says, "Woodpecker, goats - Fifes Ridge, Glacier Peak Daniel-Hinman telephoto, stalking goats, butterflies on flowers, bear RNP, tick, goats RNP (by pool), hummer, goat and elk; much excellent footage."
136Miscellany16mm, silent, color350ftThis film has not been viewed. Note in film can says, "Bear (poor), chipmunk (good), bear's head and paws, hawk on limb (poor), Aerial views Chelan-Dome Pk etc (good), eagle on ground (good), construction at Gold Hill, picking apples, fireplace construction (underexposed), apples in bin."
137Miscellany16mm, silent, color350ftThis film has not been viewed. Note in film can says, "Goats Mt Rainier, titles, ice columns, river in winter, deer in logged-off area, bear, grouse, shots from Nat'l Park Ed. 1, "Wood Chance," Bear in Phelps Ck, chipmunk, bear head."
138Scrap film16mm, silent, color400ftThis film has not been viewed. Label on can says, "Scrap sections."
139Scrap film16mm, silent, color400ftThis film has not been viewed. Label on can says, "Scrap selections."
140Scrap film16mm, silent, color400ftThis film has not been viewed. Label on can says, "Discard."
141Scrap film16mm, silent, color350ftThis film has not been viewed. Label on can says, "Scrap Film."
142"The Fight for America's Alps"16mm, optical sound, color4minThis is a Reader's Digest film on a 5-inch reel. The film uses clips from "Wilderness Alps of Stehekin" and various Hessey films (in this collection). The film refers to the May 1967 issue of Reader's Digest which contains an article about the North Cascades controversy. The narration of the film is favorable to the conservationist point of view. The movie picture is rather poor with faded colors and a slight magenta cast.

8mm Films

These films are in cans. Unless noted below, Lowell Skoog projected each of these films (once) in October 2009, dictating observations into a digital tape recorder. A CD-ROM of these recordings has been stored with the films. If there wasn't much to say about a film, the recording was discarded.

151India #18mm14minAccording to the 1978 Cascadian annual, Chuck Hessey served three years in India during WWII working in medical supplies in the China-Burma-India theatre of war. This film includes some local Indian people and scenes. Most of the film shows U.S. military personnel in various activities in a small encampment in a jungle area. Leisure and recreational activities predominate. Film is typically dirty, sometimes dark, and sometimes exibiting what appears to be cracked emulsion. Most of the film is B&W but there is some color as well. This film does not have a white leader. It is on a 5-inch reel in a 7-inch can with film #152.
152India #2, Gold Hill skiing8mm14minMore scenes of military personnel India in WWII, mostly leisure and recreational activities. About 3min into the film is a scene with a sign that says, "Chief of the Medical Service." Some scenes of local people and villages. Film is in similar condition to #151 above. At the 8min point, the film changes to skiing at Gold Hill (Morse Creek, Crystal Mtn area). Not great footage due to the format and condition of the film. This film has a white leader. It is on a 5-inch reel in a 7-inch can with film #151.
153White River, Hogback, etc8mm200ftThis film is on a 7-inch reel, too large to run on my 8mm projector, so I haven't watched it. The film can is labeled, "Cradle Lk, Ingalls Lk, Ptarmigan, Hogback, White River, Boulder Pass, Clark Mt."
154Napeequa, Wallowa, etc8mm350ftThis film is on a 7-inch reel, too large to run on my 8mm projector, so I haven't watched it. The film can is labeled, "Napeequa, Chiwawa, Wallowa, Image Lk."
155Mt Baker 19518mm9minSkiing near Mt Baker ski area, Table Mtn, Shuksan Arm, Artist Point, Coleman Basin. Late winter or early spring. A few chairlift, rope tow, and lodge scenes.
156Gold Hill skiing8mm7minGold Hill skiing. Scenes of cabin exterior. Morse Creek, Sourdough Basin, Silver Basin. Probably late 1940s.
157Gold Hill, misc skiing8mm12minHogback Mtn skiing, Mt Baker ski area, Lyman Lake, Stehekin - Bridge Creek area? Gold Hill, Crystal Mtn, Developed skiing (ski race, chairlift, rope tow), 1953 White Pass to Goat Rocks trip (a few scenes).
158White Pass to Goat Rocks, Gold Hill skiing8mm11minFilm is in pretty good shape. Label on film can says, "McCall Basin, Hogback (Herman), Fog City." 1953 ski traverse from White Pass to McCall Basin in the Goat Rocks. Scenes of travel from the pass to McCall Basin, camping and skiing there. Also skiing on Hogback Mtn. Later third of the film shows skiing at Gold Hill area.
159Stehekin, Railroad Creek skiing 19468mm11minThis is the January 1946 trip described in Chuck Hessey's article, "Scratching the Surface of the North Cascades" in the 1947 American Ski Annual. It shows men crossing a river on a trolley, then skiers breaking trail in thigh-deep snow. The film includes scenes of snowy peaks looming above the valley, skiers running in a valley, and some scenes above timberline, probably on the Berry Creek slide on McGregor Mtn. After cruising Lake Chelan, there are scenes from the Railroad Creek and Lyman Lake area. Film is scratchy and often washed out. (See also film #160.)
160Lyman Lake skiing 19468mm7minThis is the April 1946 trip described in Chuck Hessey's article, "Scratching the Surface of the North Cascades" in the 1947 American Ski Annual. It opens with men loading skis and gear onto the Lake Chelan boat. The boat cruises to Lucerne and the men arrive at the Lyman Lake cabin. There is a scene of three men atop Chiwawa Mtn, matching a photo in the ASA article. During a ski ascent of North Star Mtn, there are some double exposures. Apparently the camera was getting rewound a bit between scenes. This film is in pretty good shape and has interesting content. (See also film #159.)
161Lyman Lake skiing 19548mm7minThis is the circa-1954 trip by Chuck Hessey, Phil Dahl and Tom Lyon to Lyman Lake. There are some nice scenes around the cabin, skiing North Star Mtn, and touring to Spider Pass. Film includes a scene of Holden main street during the mining period. This is the best of the 8mm Hessey ski films.
162Army Louisiana8mm6minA mix of B&W and color film. Film is in reasonably good shape. A sign in one scene says, "Headquarters 14th Evacuation Hospital." Men playing volleyball, marching to and from review grounds, running an obstacle course, playing horseshoes, blowing a bugle, going to mess hall, morning calisthenics.
163Summer 1946 hikes8mm12minLabel on bottom of can says, "Dagger Lake, Lake Ann, Cutthroat Pk, Olympics (Anderson Pass), 1946." Faint writing on top of can adds "Rainy Lake, Copper Creek, July 14-20, 1946." Film features Marion Hessey (nee Monter) and Rick Mack (nee Harryette Reichelderfer) hiking and fishing in several locations around Rainy and Washington Passes long before the North Cascades Highway was built. Last three minutes of film are of Chuck Hessey and a friend hiking at Anderson Pass in the Olympic Mtns. Much of the Olympics footage is washed out.
164Summer 1947 hikes8mm13minLabel on can says, "Summer '47, Buck Cr. Pass, Cloudy Pass, Agnes Cr., Dome Pk." Lots of scenes in the High Pass area, including Triad Lake (near High Pass) half-filled with thick glacier ice. Scenes of area between Image Lake, Lyman Lake and Phelps Creek. A few shots of Dome Peak, perhaps from the Sulphur Ck approach. Scenes from Green Mtn above the Suiattle River.
165Summer 1950 hikes8mm11minLabel on can says, "Whatcom Pass area, 1950." This film includes scenes similar to those in the later 16mm film, "From East to West in the North Cascades Wilderness." The last three minutes of the film are on Little Devil Peak and include scenes of the glacier below the peak looking thick and healthy.
166Waptus area, etc8mm10minFilm opens with scenes of skiing near Chinook Pass. Scene switches to rugged mountains, probably near Dutch Miller Gap (I'm not sure). Then we see the La Bohn Lakes area and an ascent of Mt Hinman.
167Robin Lake8mm7minFishing and hiking in the Robin Lake area. Scenery is not as interesting as I hoped.
168Aspen and Interglacier8mm10minSkiing at Aspen, Colorado (probably 1954). Skiing on Interglacier (Mt Rainier) with Marion Hessey and Rick Mack. Interglacier footage is rather dirty, poor quality.

Unedited Films

The Hessey film collection contains hundreds of short 16mm films (5-inch reels) in Kodak processing boxes. In general, we haven't viewed these films so we're not sure what's really on them. Item numbers have been written on the film boxes in black ink (and underlined). The item numbers have been grouped according to the subjects written on the boxes by Chuck Hessey. Since clips were probably removed from these films to be used in edited movies, the Hessey descriptions may no longer be accurate. Use as a starting point.

  • Series 201-399: Wildlife (fauna/flora), 112 reels.
  • Series 401-599: Places, 74 reels.
  • Series 601-799: Activities (skiing, climbing, fishing, boy scouts, miscellany and unknown subjects), 43 reels.

A few of these films are 8mm format.


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