WSHS.1998.39 Inventory

WSHS.1998.39 Inventory

On 29 April 1998, The Mountaineers donated most of the artifacts held by the club at that time to the Washington State Historical Society (WSHS). The deed of gift described the donation as a "collection of climbing gear, clothing, skiis, and materials related to climbing." The written agreement, signed by Mountaineers Executive Director Steve Costie and WSHS Head of Collections Lynn Anderson, declared the gift to be "outright and unconditional." Lynn Anderson wrote a short article about the donation for the WSHS History Highlights quarterly newsletter. The full, unedited version of her article is here.

The summary below was returned by WSHS to The Mountaineers shortly after receipt of this gift. It includes a brief description of each object in the collection along with both the WSHS and Mountaineer catalog ID's. (Notes in the right column were later added by the Mountaineers History Committee.) WSHS subsequently spent three months creating a detailed catalog of the collection. The WSHS catalog notebook was said to be about six inches thick.

WSHS IDDescriptionMountaineers IDNotes
.1boots, women's hikingC-0006/2-
.2boots, women's hiking0052/8-
.3boots, women's hiking0005/23-
.4boots, women's hiking0044/7-
.5boots, women's ski0025/4-
.6boots, women's ski0045-
.7boots, women's skiC-0006/1-
.8boots, men's hiking0003/2-
.9boots, men's hiking0003/3-
.10boots, men's ski0025/3-
.11boots, men's ski0040/32-
.12boots, men's ski0044/4-
.13ax, ice0014/6-
.14ice ax head0051/9-
.15ax, ice0051/6-
.16ax, ice0006/8-
.17ax, ice0051/5-
.18ax, ice0034/1

Pete Schoening's 1953 K2 ice axe (later loaned to the Bradford Washburn American Alpine Club Museum)

.19ax, ice0031-
.20ax, ice0017/2-
.21ax, ice--
.22hammer, ice--
.24day pack0040/10-
.25pack board0030/2-
.29pack board0006/29-
.32pack board0056/5-
.38stove, camp--
.39marker, trail0068-
.41peak register0060/1-
.42vest, racing (ski)0040/7-
.44spoon, folding0027/2-
.45container, metal0018/2-
.48kit, survival0056/22-
.51cover, protective0056/22-
.52container, talcum powder0006/21-
.53wax, ski0027/4C-
.54meter, exposure0011/3-
.55kit, sewing0039/2-
.59set, silverware0004/8-
.61 a-bpole, ski--
.62 a-bpole, ski--
.63 a-bpole, ski--
.64anti-midge cream--
.65pump, mattress0092/1-
.66goggles, snow--
.68kit, survival--
.69lantern, candle--
.70stove, camp0066/1-
.71stove, camp--
.77boots, climbing--
.78boots, climbing--
.84pole, ski--
.85pole, ski0037/2-
.86pole, ski0020/2-
.87pole, ski--
.88 a-fwax, ski set--
.89 a-cwax, ski set--
.90tablet, fuel0032/17a-
.91tablet, fuel0032/17b-
.92tablet, fuel0032/17c-
.93tablet, fuel0032/17d-
.98pole, ski0052/6-
.104tank, oxygen0034/3-
.105back pack0074/2-
.106day pack0006/42-
.107day pack0006/44-
.108back pack0028/5-
.109back pack--
.110pack frame0035/2-
.111ax, ice--
.112ax, ice--
.113can food0032/27-
.115pole, fishing0002/2-
.116ammunition bags (2)0032/16-
.117stakes, tent0056/15-
.118mattress, air0028/7-
.119mattress, air0017/5-
.120mattress, air0040/2-
.121pillow, air0040/21-
.122 a-bmattress, air0006/16-
.123mattress, air0040/3-
.125tent0008/2 A-I-
.128piton holder0051/62-
.130ground cloth0017/4-
.131sleeping bag0080-
.132sleeping bag0040/1-
.133sleeping bag0032/15-
.134sleeping bag w/ case0069/3-
.135sleeping bag0061/1-
.136sleeping bag0075/5-
.137sleeping bag0017/3-
.140stove, solar0092/2-
.141peak register0060/3-
.142peak register0078-
.143basket, ice ax0028/3-
.144pressure cooker0090/4-
.145rope-tow grip0032/23-
.161neck warmer0040/25-
.165ear muffs0040/23-
.166pant ties0044/2-
.171pant ties0040/8-
.172pant ties0044/1-
.174cook kit0040/17-
.180pants, ski0004/7-
.181pants, ski0040/5-
.183pants, skiC-0006/12-
.188skis, cross-country--
.191boots, ski0044/9-
.192pants, ski0001/5-
.194pants, skiC-0006/16-
.205light, head0087/5-
.206lantern, candle -
.208mirror, signal -
.209mirror, signal0051/91-
.210sun protection0051/94-
.212mirror, signal0051/93-
.213mirror, signal0051/92-
.215tobacco tin0006/17-
.225elastic strap--
.227hammer, piton0051/9-
.228hammer, piton0056/3-
.229hammer, piton0051/8-
.230hammer, piton--
.231hammer, piton--
.232 a-opiton, rock0066/4 A-O-
.233 a-fpiton0066/5 A-F-
.234 a-epiton0066/6 A-C; 0066/6 E-F-
.235 a-hpiton0014/3-
.236piton, ice0014/2-
.237piton, ice0051/38-
.238piton, ice0026/2-
.239piton, ice0051/35-
.240piton, ice0051/37-
.241piton, ice0051/1-
.242piton, ice0051/1-
.243piton, ice0051/39-
.244piton, ice0051/40-
.245piton, ice0051/36-
.246piton0012/1 B-
.247ice screw0013/1-
.248ice screw0013/2-
.249 a-dcarabiner--
.254 a-bring0051/65; 0051/66-
.255 a-bring0014/4-
.256drill holder0051/63-
.258 a-cbolt hanger0014/5-
.259 a-bcarabiner0028/13 A-B-
.260ladder step0051/70-
.263 a-dcarabiner0066/3 A-D-
.267bolt; bolt hanger0051/68; 0051/67-
.275 a-Icarabiner0014/1-
.278 a-bbreak bar0015/2-
.285 a-bcarabiner0051/41 A-B-
.286ladder step0051/69-
.287ladder step0051/71-
.288ladder step0051/72-
.290boots, ski--
.296hat, mosquitoC-0006/9-
.298shoes, strawC-0006/14-
.301boot toppers0087/4 or 0087/5-
.311hip pack--
.313 a-ccarabiner--
.313 d-epulley--
.314drill bit--
.315piton, screw--
.319 arope--
.319 bcarabiner--
.319 charness ring--
.321ice screw--
.322ice screw--
.325rope, climbing0012/2-
.326rope, climbing0028/4-
.331tow grip0035/4-
.332tow grip0052/2-
.333head lamp0056/16-
.336skis, fiberglass--
.347helmet, climbing--
.348pen, commemorative--
.349sole protectors--
.350pen, commemorative--
.352ax, ice0035/1-
.353wax, ski--
.354rod, fishing0002/2-
.355 a-bgoggles--
.356 a-bboots, hiking--
.358 a-bsocks--
.359 a-bover-mitts, snow--
.360cord, avalanche--
.362tin, container--