Mountaineer Bulletins - Lowell Skoog's collection

Mountaineer Bulletins - Lowell Skoog's collection

In October 2016, we downsized the collection of Mountaineer Bulletins to reduce storage requirements in the Mountaineer Archives. An inventory of the reduced collection can be found here.

During downsizing, Lowell Skoog withdrew single copies of as many bulletins as possible to create a backup set to be held privately at his home. Gaps were filled by cherry-picking extra bulletins stored in the basement at Magnuson Park.

This page contains an inventory of Lowell's collection:

1911: #4, #6 - #9

1912: #2 - #12

1913 thru 1961: Complete set of individual bulletins

1960 thru 1988: Complete set of bulletins (perforated) in duo-tang binders.

1989 thru 2010: Complete set of individual bulletins

In 2011, the Mountaineer Bulletin changed from newsprint tabloid format to an 8.5" x 11" glossy magazine. At the same time, the Mountaineers staff began saving back issues of the magazine in PDF files. After this change, Lowell Skoog stopped saving paper copies of the magazine and instead began archiving the PDF files.

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