Materials Under Consideration For Transfer To The Mazamas

Materials Under Consideration For Transfer To The Mazamas

The following materials were formerly under consideration for sale or donation to The Mazamas in Portland, Oregon. That proposal has been put on hold.

Peter Green is the primary contact for the Mazamas. Peter visited the Mountaineers Library in July 2013 and identified the following materials as being of interest to The Mazamas.

For the Library of Congress online catalog click here.

LC ClassificationAuthorTitleYearBoxNotes
G513 .S64Soper, Jack and Ken Wilson, Peter CrewThe Black Cliff, Clogwyn du'r Arddu1971Z4
DB466 .D25Davies, J. SangerDolomite Strongholds1894Z4
DB766 .A44Allom, T. et alViews in the Tyrol1836Z2
DB766 .L36Latrobe, Charles JosephPedestrian, A Summer's Ramble in the Tyrol1832Z4
DK511.C1 F83Freshfield, Douglas W.Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan1869Z1
DK861.P2 O4Olufsen, O.Through the Unknown Pamirs1904Z1
DQ823 .A2Abraham, George D.Swiss Mountain Climbs1911Z4

DQ823 .B51

Berlepsch, H.The Alps1861Z1
DQ823 .B71Bonney, T. G.The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the Neighboring Countries1868Z1
DQ823 .G52Girdlestone, A. G.The High Alps Without Guides1870Z1
DQ823 .H3Harrison, FredericMy Alpine Jubilee1908Z1
DQ823 .L36Latrobe, Charles JosephThe Alpenstock (or Sketches of Swiss Scenery and Manners)1829Z1Cannot verify LC number

DQ823 .L44

Burnaby, Mrs. FredThe High Alps in Winter1883Z1

DQ828 .F8

Freshfield, Douglas W.Italian Alps1875Z4
DQ841.S6 W7Wills, AlfredThe Eagles Nest in the Valley of Sixt1860Z4
DS485.6 C66Conway, William MartinClimbing and Exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas, Vol 11894Z2
DS485.6 C66Conway, William MartinClimbing and Exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas, Vol 21894Z2
DS485.H6 F6De Filippi, FilippoKarakoram and Western Himalaya 1909, Vol 11912Z2
DS485.H6 F6De Filippi, FilippoKarakoram and Western Himalaya, Vol 2 (Plates and Maps)1912Z2
DS485.H6 H434Herzog, MauriceAnnapurna1953Z4
DS485.H6 H45Herzog, Maurice and Marcel IchacRegards Vers L'Annapurna1951Z2
DS485.H6 L6Lloyd, William and Alexander GerardJourney from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya, Vol 11840Z4
DS485.H6 L6Lloyd, William and Alexander GerardJourney from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya, Vol 21840Z4
DS337 .S57Sircar, JoydeepHimalayan Handbook1979Z4
DS485.H6 Y6Younghusband, FrancisWonders of the Himalaya1924Z4
DS485.K2 A7Bates, Robert H. (ed)Five Miles High1939Z2K2 Expedition
DS485.K2 V6Vigne, G. T.Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo (etc), Vol 11844Z4
DS485.K2 V6Vigne, G. T.Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo (etc), Vol 21844Z4
DS486.E8 H6Howard-Bury, C. K.Mount Everest: The Reconnaissance, 19211922Z2
DS486.E8 R58Roberts, DennisI'll Climb Mt Everest Alone: The Story of Maurice Wilson1957Z2
DS486.N28 L3Languepin J-J. and L. PayanNanda Devi1952Z2
DS486.N3 H4Herrlingkoffer, Karl M.Im Banne Des Nanga Parbat1953Z2
DS785 .H52Hedin, SvenTrans-Himalaya, Vol 11909Z1
DS785 .H52Hedin, SvenTrans-Himalaya, Vol 21909Z1
DS785 .W44Wellby,  M. S.Through Unknown Tibet1898Z3
DS895.F9 S8Starr, FrederickFujiyama, the Sacred Mountain of Japan1924Z1
DT309 .H78Hooker, Joseph D. and John BallA Tour in Marocco1878Z1
DT361 .M82Moore, J. E. S.To the Mountains of the Moon1901Z1
DT449.K4 J7Johnston, H. H.The Kilima-njaro Expedition1886Z1
DT449.K4 M613Meyer, Dr. HansAcross East African Glaciers: The First Ascent of Kilimanjaro1891Z3
E160 .M95Muir, JohnOur National Parks1901Z1Mountaineers should keep
F1090 .W67Wilcox, Walter DwightThe Rockies of Canada1900Z3
F1090 .W68Wilcox, Walter DwightThe Rockies of Canada1909Z3
F851.7 B42Beckey, FredSupplement to the Guide to the Cascades, June 19511953Z1Mountaineers should keep
F868.S5 C55Clyde, NormanNorman Clyde of the Sierra Nevada1971Z1
F868.S5 L39LeConte, JosephA Journal of Ramblings Through the High Sierra of California1930Z1

F868.S5 S47b no. 62

Farquhar, Francis P.Place Names of the High Sierra1926Z1
F868.Y6 M9Muir, JohnYosemite1912Z1
F871.S81Steel, William GladstoneSteel Points, Crater Lake, January 1907, Vol 1 No 21907Z1
F871.S81Steel, William GladstoneSteel Points, The Olympics, July 1907, Vol 1, No 41907Z1Mountaineers should keep
F897.R2 D4Denman, A. H.The Name of Mt. Tacoma1924Z1Mountaineers should keep
GB546.H5 B87Burrard, S. G.Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet1933Z3
GV199.44.P182 K18285
Lacedelli, Lino and Giovanni CenacchiK2: The Price of Conquest2006Z4
GV199.44.P182 K1827Waseda Univ. Alpine ClubK2 8611m: Waseda University K2 Expedition 19811983Z4
GV199.92 B34 O95Oxley, T. LouisJacques Balmat, or The First Ascent of Mont Blanc1881Z4Cannot verify LC number
GV200.2 Y68Young, Geoffrey WinthropWall and Roof Climbing1905Z1Cannot verify LC number
GV200.2 Y68Young, Geoffrey WinthropWall and Roof Climbing1905Z4Cannot verify LC number
PR5453.S4 Z8Thorington, J. MonroeMont Blanc Sideshow: The Life and Times of Albert Smith1934Z4

QC896 .W62

Whymper, EdwardHow to Use the Aneroid Barometer1891Z4

Z6016.M7 F2

Farquhar, Francis P.The Literature of Mountaineering1940Z4

Cannot verify LC number (see Z6016.M7 C69 GV200)

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