Summit Magazines - Lowell Skoog's collection

Summit Magazines - Lowell Skoog's collection

The Mountaineers collection of Summit magazines was hard-bound some time after the magazine stopped publication in 1996. An inventory of the collection can be found here.

The Mountaineers collection was missing the following issues when it was hard-bound: April 1958, May 1958, June 1968, March 1961. Later, the club received donations of incomplete runs of Summit from Sharon Simkin (her late husband Tom Simkin's collection) and from Bob and Margi Albrecht. Lowell Skoog decided to keep the donated collections after discarding duplicates. In the process, he located the missing issues for April and June 1958 and March 1961. Lowell made photocopies of those issues to keep and donated the originals to the Mountaineers collection.

What follows is an inventory of Lowell's collection of Summit. Note that the publication schedule of Summit varied considerably over the years. The number of printed issues varied from 12 (once a month) to as few as five issues per year. Fortunately, the issues published during each year were labeled with both the volume and issue number. The only way to be sure how many issues were published each year is by inspecting both the date and issue number. To further complicate things, some issues were given TWO numbers. The quantities below indicate distinct physical copies of the magazine.

Lowell's collection is stored in two boxes. Box 1 contains issues from the 1950s through 1973. Box 2 contains issues after 1973.

VolumeYearLowell Has...


31957Jun (#6)
41958Apr (#4), Jun (#6), Sep (#9), Oct (#10), Nov (#11), Dec (#12)
51959All (11 issues)
61960All (11 issues)
71961All (11 issues)
81962All (11 issues)
91963All (10 issues)
101964All (10 issues)
111965All (9 issues)
121966All (10 issues)
131967All (10 issues)
141968All (10 issues)
151969All (10 issues)
161970All (10 issues)
171971All (9 issues)
181972All (9 issues)
191973All (10 issues)
201974All (10 issues)
211975All (10 issues)
221976All (6 issues)
231977All (6 issues)
241978All (6 issues)
251979All (6 issues)
261980All (6 issues)
271981All (6 issues)
281982All (6 issues)
291983All (6 issues)
301984All (6 issues)
311985All (6 issues)
321986All (6 issues)
331987All (6 issues)
341988All (5 issues)
351989Jan-Feb (#1), Mar-Apr (#2), May-Jun (#3)

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