TBD: These policies are out-of-date and need to be revised by the Mountaineers History Committee.
Acquisitions Policy
- Accept equipment and other artifacts only if related to a particular event and identified by date, individual user/owner and facts surrounding event.
- Accept all photographs and films dated prior to 1945. Attempt to obtain identification by place, time and individuals shown (if any).
- Accept significant photographs and films/videos dated after 1945 only if they can be identified by place, time, individuals shown (if any) and facts surrounding event.
- Accept all personal journals, manuscripts, trip logs, etc.
- Do not accept books, magazines and journals (other than Mountaineer Annuals and Bulletins, see below).
- Accept all Mountaineer Annuals and Bulletins.
- Accept ephemera if related to a particular event and identified by date, individual user/owner and facts surrounding event.
- Materials will be accepted only on the condition that the club has the right to reassign or dispose of donated materials as the club deems most suitable.
- To facilitate screening of artifacts, prospective donors should submit to the History Committee a photograph of each artifact to be donated, for evaluaton. This enables the Committee to determine whether the item is a suitable addition to Mountaineer collections. To contact the History Committee, click here.